Frequently Asked Questions

Please view our Faqs and video files for help before you contact us with your questions.

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Showing 12 Of 15 Faqs

Yes, you can use your own domain name. We recommend that you transfer this to our platform to ensure a seamless hosting experience. If you choose to keep your hosting where it is, you will need to update your A-records. You can also buy your new domain name directly though us. 

Alt tags, or alternative text, are important for web accessibility, providing a text alternative for screen readers. They also enhance SEO by helping search engines understand image content. Alt tags serve as a fallback description in case images don't load and aid browser compatibility. It's crucial to make alt text descriptive and relevant.

No, you can only have one trial site at a time. You are able to change this as often as you like during your first trial month, thereafter you will need to subscribe and pay for your site. 

We're sorry to see you go, however if you'd like to cancel your subscription, go to your user dashboard, edit package settings and click on Terminate Subscription.

We update our platform on a regular basis, to ensure that your website is at the forefront of technology. You can view these updates in your admin dashboard. 

Yes - our platform is fully optimised for Google and other search engines. Our onsite coding ensures that you are always at the forefront of Google's algorithms. You can add your own search keywords and customise your meta tags to ensure optimum search engine ranking.

Yes, all our add-ons come with a free 1 month trial period.

No - you can try our platform for FREE. No credit card details required. If you're happy with your new website and you would like to keep it, you simply add your payment details and select pay monthly or annually. Payment is only taken when your trial period expires.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a set of practices and strategies aimed at improving a website's visibility on search engines like Google. The primary goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by enhancing its relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines.

Please also check you junk or spam mail. If it's not there, please double check the spelling of your email address. If you've done this and still havent recieved it, please send us a message on our contact page - - and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Search for a similar type of business, which you can customise to your business. Alternatively, let us know and we will create a new business type for you - simply fill in the contact form - - and we'll mail you as soon as it's live.

No, there will be no interruption to your website during platform updates.

Platform updates are done via a zero down time update system.
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Ground Floor, Book House,
Vincent Lane, Dorking,
RH4 3HW, Surrey


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